Light. Hope. Transformation.

City of Refuge is a faith-based environment that helps individuals and families transition out of crisis.

Create Jobs

Unite Families

Eleviate Poverty

Strengthen Communities

A Proven Model

Impact Areas

Our mission is to bring light, hope, and transformation to communities across the country. Our proven transformation model is built upon four areas of impact proven to lead to longterm impact.

Health & Wellness, Job Training, Housing , and Youth Development.

Built Upon 25 Years of Impact In Atlanta

 Upcoming Launches

Our new launch program is designed to create a new City of Refuge from the ground up. These efforts are led by local leadership who have a proven track record of impact and community collaboration.

Nashville, Tennessee - St. Louis, Missouri - Las Vegas, Nevada


Nashville, Tennessee - St. Louis, Missouri - Las Vegas, Nevada -

Project Highlights

New Construction in Baltimore

Billy Humphrey and his team were able to purchase a 50,000 sq. ft. building to expand their operation and efforts! You can see a concept of what the building will look like to the right. The COR Baltimore team has already partially moved into the building and it has helped grow their outreach. Along with the new building, they have launched a 2 phase $15 million capital fundraising campaign.



Now in its 25th year, City of Refuge has expanded to multiple sites around the country and 5 more locations are currently in the process of becoming City of Refuge Affiliates.

Take Action

City of Refuge Communities provides two opportunities for you to get involved.


Learn about our model and processes at city of refuge to boost your impact.

Workshops, Events, Tours, Training


Take the next steps toward launching a City of Refuge within your city.

New City Playbook, Tours, Training

Launch Playbook 

Using the model developed in the past quarter century, City of Refuge has developed a playbook to help guide the launch in new communities which allows deeper and longer lasting impact in a shorter period of time.


Grow as a Leader , Build your Toolbox , Tell your Story.

“Some ideas are just worth sharing. The impact of City of Refuge speaks for itself, we are super excited about amplifying effects of the model throughout the country.“

- Simon Sinek

Currently Expanding

Is Your Community Ready For A City of Refuge?

The City of Refuge Communities team is currently developing a New City launch guide designed to prepare leaders to successfully launch a City of Refuge from ground up.

From Our Partners And Affiliates

About The Process

Transformation Under One Roof

The best way to learn about City of Refuge is to see it in action. Click the button below to register for a tour on behalf of your team.