A Message From Our CEO
As we reflect on 2023 and all that was accomplished through the ministry of City of Refuge, we are extremely grateful for the fact that we were able to build a more robust process and system for individuals and families who found themselves in need of the resources provided on our campus. In order to build something, a foundation must first be established, and that foundation has now been in place for more than 26 years. Honestly, 26 years ago, we were not aware of the size and scope that City of Refuge would eventually reach. Thankfully, we were able to establish a foundation of passion, excellence, dignity, and integrity. Those four pillars of our foundation have allowed us to grow and expand in ways we could not envision when the building process began.
When the building of a house takes place there are many individuals of varying skills that must be involved in the process. Architects will develop plans, construction teams will assemble materials and put the framing and essentials into the house, electricians will wire, plumbers will install systems, designers will select paint and finishes, and, as a result of everyone doing their assigned job, eventually a house will be completed, and a family will move in to enjoy what the labor of others accomplished. Such is the case at City of Refuge as we attempt to build and rebuild thousands of people's hopes, dreams, and destinies each year. Investors share financial resources, volunteers assemble various aspects of our programming, topic-specific trained partners assist with vocational preparation, counselors provide guidance, staff work daily to keep the machine well-oiled and running smoothly and the positive outcomes are too numerous to list here.
In 2023, all the necessary components of building momentum were present on our campus and in our community. As you review this Annual Report, you will see that the pathway to light, hope, and transformation was expanded and built in a bigger fashion, and a greater number of people than in past years received the quality care they needed. Your contribution to the building process was, and is, incredibly valuable, and we are grateful you have chosen to be a part of Breaking Barriers. Building Momentum.
By the way, our building projects (physical, emotional, spiritual) are far from complete. 2024 will see a great deal of building, of expansion, of transformation. It's an honor to have each of you on the construction committee!

Who We Are
City of Refuge is a faith-based environment that helps individuals and families transition out of crisis.
Overcoming Barriers
If a person is born into poverty in Atlanta, there is just a 4% chance of escaping poverty in their lifetime.
Due to the complexity of poverty, there is not a quick, one sized fits all solution.
A Proven Solution
By providing all essential services on one campus, we enable individuals and families to experience a seamless journey out of extreme poverty, dramatically increasing the chance to escape poverty.
Meet Dondrea
In 2018, Dondrea and her son Tobias suddenly found themselves facing homelessness after losing their apartment. As a 24-year-old single mom, her options were limited.
“Homelessness doesn’t always look crazy,” she said. “It can happen to anybody. I made good money. I don’t have any drug problems. It just became overwhelming because I was doing everything on my own. I was making $1,000 a week and still couldn’t afford to live on my own.”
Dondrea’s journey to City of Refuge (COR) was not an easy one. At a previous shelter, she and Tobias had to share a room with seven other women and their children, a situation rife with “animosity and negativity.”
However, her life took a turn when she was accepted into City of Refuge in January 2023. “It was beyond my expectations,” she said. “I thought it was going to be another place where I was going to have to struggle to make things work, but this place has been a huge blessing."
In Eden Village, they were given their own private room and space—a semblance of stability and dignity they hadn’t known in years. For Dondrea, it wasn’t just about having a roof over their heads; it was the comprehensive support that allowed her to break free from the cycle of struggle. Tobias, a fourth grader, enrolled in City School, COR’s on-campus school.
While living at City of Refuge, Dondrea gave birth to her second son, Roger. She says she felt tremendously supported throughout the pregnancy and birth experience. Whatever she and the baby needed—clothes, diapers, etc.—was provided.
By accessing all the support services she needed “under one roof”—housing, full-day preschool, healthy food, educational opportunities, job training, support classes—Dondrea was freed up to focus on personal growth and development.
With Roger in full-day childcare at City Kids and Tobias at City School, Dondrea enrolled and completed the NAPA Automotive Technician Training, a 16-week job training program.
“For the first time since high school, I’ve been able to complete a program because I didn’t have to worry about childcare or feeding my kids or making ends meet,” she said.
After completing the NAPA course, the COR team helped Dondrea land a job at MARTA, where she’s already begun their year-long training program.
Beyond vocational training, Dondrea also took advantage of some of the support classes offered at City of Refuge, recognizing the positive impact on her mental health. She particularly enjoyed the art classes, which she said helped reduce stress and anxiety.
As she considers the future, Dondrea is filled with hope. She’s eager to secure independent housing for her family. She’s excited about the idea of decorating the boys’ rooms. She’s looking into buying a car. Her final words echoed profound gratitude for the compassionate support she received at City of Refuge:
“I’m thankful for City of Refuge. I really am. Everybody here is so caring. They’ll go out of their way to help you get to where you belong. The opportunities that have been afforded to me—I wouldn’t have gotten them anywhere else.”
Meet Jenice
Jenice was just 25 years old when she found herself carrying more burdens than she could handle. While working in a Pittsburgh hospital during the 2020 pandemic, she became pregnant.
After giving birth to her daughter Mireya, Jenice battled postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Worse, her daughter’s father became abusive and she had to file a restraining order.
Jenice moved to Atlanta with Mireya, but she struggled to find consistent work or housing. In 2022, they found refuge at Eden Village. With Mireya in City Kids, Jenice began rebuilding her life. Through counseling and support from partners like House of Cherith, Mercy Care, and Go Church, she began to heal. She also enrolled at Atlanta Tech and started studying cosmetology.
Her growth culminated in securing permanent housing near City of Refuge so Mireya could continue her schooling. Jenice now has a full-time job and aims to finish school, obtain her cosmetology license, and save for a car.
Meet Mike
After growing up in an orphanage and struggling through the foster care system, Mike had an extremely challenging start to life. Eventually, he developed a drug problem and faced homelessness.
He began breaking into homes out of desperation for food and shelter, then ended up in prison. While serving time and “hoping for a change,” Mike signed up for City of Refuge’s TYRO Reentry program and became our very first individual to go through our transitional housing program in 2021. Through the program, Mike received a cell phone, transportation, and temporary rental home.
After two years of holding two steady jobs, building his credit, saving up, staying sober, and working hard, Mike officially secured permanent housing for himself.
Meet Rodrigo
Growing up in Brazil, Rodrigo never imagined he’d one day go from being a professor to a plumber to a web developer at a global tech company.
Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Rodrigo was a professor at a local university before political problems and violence led him and his wife to immigrate to the United States. But adapting to a new culture and language was tough. Despite being a professor, he worked physically demanding construction jobs for eight years.
As he hit rock bottom, Rodrigo found hope in City of Refuge's Tech Transformation Academy. At the encouragement of a friend, he enrolled in the Web Developer Course. The class was challenging, but he received ample support and encouragement from his instructors, classmates, and case manager.
Eventually, Rodrigo landed a job at Capgemini, a global IT services and consulting company. Reflecting on his life and journey, Rodrigo sees nothing short of transformation. “My life has completely changed,” he said. “I couldn't be happier…I can make plans and dream again.”
2023 Impact Metrics