Bringing Justice to Justice
Growing up, Justice’s mother wasn’t around much. She sold drugs and was in and out of jail. “The moments I remember seeing her, they’re not really good,” said Justice. “I don’t have any fun memories with my mother.”
Not surprisingly, Justice and her mom didn’t get along. “She was very toxic,” she said. So Justice ended up getting her own apartment, car, and job at Autozone. That’s where she met the father of her kids.
A few years later, Justice was 25 years old with two kids and virtually no support. “I couldn’t afford a hotel. I had no real friends.” She tried to work at McDonald's and other places, but since she didn’t have childcare, she couldn’t keep a steady job. Eventually, she and her kids became homeless.
Shelter from the Storm
Understandably, Justice was nervous about bringing her family to City of Refuge. When she heard the word, “shelter,” she imagined endless rows of bunk beds, soup-kitchen-style meals, and cops everywhere.
But what she discovered at City of Refuge blew her away. Justice and her family got their own beautiful room. They ate three amazing, healthy meals a day. Suddenly, they had stability.
“I feel like I was saved,” she said. “I was like, ‘Yes. My kids are safe. I got this room. We’re warm. And we’re fed.’ This was the best place I’ve ever been in my life.”
While her kids were in childcare, Justice started meeting with her case manager to get her life back on track. In doing so, she felt more and more empowered.
“I felt like a grown-up. Because before, I felt like a child with children, running around with her head cut off,” she says through tears. “I just followed the instructions, and look at me now.”
A Firm Foundation
Slowly, Justice’s life started to change. Through City of Refuge’s extensive resources and wrap-around services (all available under one roof), she was able to build a life of dignity, self-sufficiency, and purpose.
Today, Justice has her own apartment and works as a preschool teacher at City of Refuge, serving children and families who are just beginning their journey of restoration. When asked what she would say to current or future CoR residents, Justice had this powerful message:
“There’s not a lot of programs out here like this that will feed you, house you, and give you the instructions. So take advantage of it. They’re giving you a foundation. They’re teaching you how to be a better mom and a better adult in the world.”
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